
Tool update: Company ownership

Our company ownership tool has been upgraded. Now, you can quickly and efficiently see a company’s ownership tree, what land and property it owns or leases, and who runs them in seconds.

August 23, 2024

Commercial operator scoping out the competition? Or a land acquisition manager trying to figure out who owns the property and land around a particular title? Our newly updated company ownership tool is here to help.

While some of this data is available publicly through portals like Companies House, it's time-consuming to find exactly what you are looking for.

Often, you’ll only find scraps, that you’ll have to combine to create a complete picture of the company you're researching.

That’s why we’ve done the complicated work of pulling all the company data you'll ever need into one place.

Updated tool: Company ownership

Primarily, the tool let's you search by company name to find out what land and property its owns and leases. But that's not all. We'll also show you the company tree it belongs to and the people who run it.

Here’s what it can do:

Company search

Type in any company name and get an instant snapshot of all the land and property it owns and leases as well as any outstanding mortgages. You can narrow your search with business-type filters and by year of incorporation.

Additionally, all leasehold and freehold titles associated with the company will appear on our map, along with a scrollable list that will take you right to the title in question in a click.

Director search

Want to know more about a company’s directors or persons of significant control (PSCs)? No problem. Our tool allows you to search for directors by name, surfacing their personal information and related business appointments. 

It's an invaluable tool for determining what other entities a particular director may be connected to.

Ultimate parent company

While all these features are great, this one stands out. The Ultimate Parent Company feature pulls data from various sources to instantly create a digital company tree. It shows all related and subsidiary companies connected to the one you're searching for and highlights the parent company at the top of the hierarchy.

We’ve also added UPC to the title cards of any piece of land a company owns. With a single click, you can instantly see the parent company.

Company ownership tool in Searchland. Showing the company tree for B&Q
Showing the title locations and company tree for B&Q - Searchland's Company ownership tool

Company ownership and land sourcing

The final piece of the puzzle for us has been integrating the Ultimate Parent Company feature into our industry-leading land-sourcing tool. This allows users to use Ultimate Parent Company as a filter, enabling searches for land titles owned explicitly by a parent company.

Our Company ownership tool is available now. To arrange a demo of the tool - get in touch with us via our request a demo page.

*Company ownership is available to all license levels; however, some premium features, such as director search, ownership tree, and associated sourcing filters, are only available with a Pro license.

July 9, 2024

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