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We’ve mapped every school, college, and university across the UK, allowing you to filter by type, education level, Ofsted rating, and capacity. Easily assess local education provision to support your development plans.
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Explore all healthcare services, including GP surgeries, hospitals, care homes, dentists, and social care centres. Perfect for planning residential developments and commercial services with key local insights.
School locations in Searchland

View the capacity and ratings of nearby schools

Explore all local educational institutions in your area of interest. View current capacity, available places, and filter by school type (Academy, Independent, etc.), Ofsted rating, and education phase.
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Get an instant overview of any area's educational landscape with dynamic infographics, presenting key data in clear, easy-to-digest charts and graphs.
More than 30 educational filters to assess schools

Advanced filters for in-depth insights

Get detailed insights with our educational data, featuring over 30 searchable datapoints, including gender split, inspection date, age groups, and pupil numbers.
Healthcare facilities in Searchland

Explore local healthcare facilities

We've mapped essential healthcare services nationwide, including GPs, hospitals, dentists, care homes, and more.

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Ordinance Survey logo
Environment Agency logo
Royal mail logo
London Datastore logo
National Grid logo
Historic England logo

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