Explore population data, housing trends, and regional characteristics
Demographic data - New
Drawn from the Census 2021 our new tool provides a detailed snapshot of socio-economic data like age, income, employment and population density from local street level to a regional scale.
Utilise demographic insights to make informed decison about development, planning and funding
Whether you're searching for the ideal site for family homes, student accommodation, retirement living, HMOs, or a new retail location, demographic data provides the insights you need to make the best decision.
Explore all the population data you need in one place - with dynamic dashboards that bring the data to life!
Say goodbye to navigating multiple websites and spreadsheets to find the data you need. Our platform transforms the mundane into an engaging, easy-to-understand, and fully customisable experience, enabling you to quickly access the information you require
More than 20 new datasets to analyse
Explore population data by birthplace, economic activity status, ethnic group, religion, income, urban morphology, age and more.
View datasets as interactive heat maps
Forget spreadsheets—our platform transforms data into dynamic, interactive visuals. Simply select the information you want to view and watch it come to life.
Integrated into our Sourcing Tool
Take the next step and use demographic data to shape your land and planning searches. Find opportunities that match your physical and social needs.
Customisable demographic dashboards
Simply your data with our dashboard view - transforming statistics into easy to understand graphs and charts. With hundreds of options to choose from to ensure you can visualise the data you need.
Compare regional data instantly
View information at various scales - from local neighbourhoods to towns or wider regions. Want to know how different areas compare? No problem.