Discover HMO license data and off-market opportunities
Unlock the potential of HMOs (House of Multiple Occupancy) with Searchland's comprehensive HMO dataset. Seamlessly discover newly issued or soon-to-expire HMO licenses and get access to HMO license holder information and contact addresses.
Engage directly with HMO vendors
Save opportunities as you explore, and reach out to license holders effortlessly with Searchland's integrated direct-to-vendor letters - streamlining the process of identifying and engaging with HMO opportunities.

HMO license data at a glance

Access expiry date, reference, license holder name, address and occupancy of a house of multiple occupancy in one click.
HMO search filter in Searchland

Custom sourcing filters

Using our sourcing tool you can source off market HMO opportunities by filtering titles based on the HMOs within them.
Direct to vendor letter sending tool in Searchland - showing the letter template feature

Direct to vendor letters

Send letters directly to HMO license holders through the platform in order to purchase the property off market.

Reliable data sources

Ordinance Survey logo
Environment Agency logo
Royal mail logo
London Datastore logo
National Grid logo
Historic England logo

Success stories

Book a demo or free trial

One of our experts can walk you through the platform in a live session, one-to-one.

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