Unlock comprehensive insights with ownership data
Discover the power of comprehensive ownership data visualised with Searchland. Our robust tool illuminates title boundaries, revealing land ownership records at a glance. Harness one-click access to crucial title information, delve into ongoing and historic planning applications, EPC records, and uncover the planning constraints affecting the plot.
Deep dive into title boundary analysis
Dive deeper with an array of features designed to optimise analysis. Scrutinise title ownership based on various entities like companies, councils, or housing associations, and seamlessly purchase official Land Registry Title documents directly through our platform. Analyse plot dimensions and easily surface the amount of undeveloped land - unlocking potential opportunities.

One-click access to key title information

Quickly view who owns a title, the historic planning applications, EPC records, price paid data and constraints that impacts the plot.

Filter which title boundaries are shown

Map over 28 million title boundaries. Quickly analyse title ownership based on company, council, corporate or housing association.

View overlapping leaseholds

See which leaseholds are within a freehold. Who owns it and how long is remaining on the lease.

Buy title documents

Purchase official Land Registry title documents directly through the platform. You can quickly view charges, ownership, sales and restrictive covenants without leaving the platform.

Plot dimensions and undeveloped area

View the plot dimensions in one glance along with the percentage of land which currently isn't built on.

Reliable data sources

Valuation office logo
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government logo
HM Land Registry logo
Companies House logo
Ordinance Survey logo
Environment Agency logo
Royal mail logo
London Datastore logo
National Grid logo
Historic England logo

Map multiple ownership layers in one comprehensive visualisation

Success stories

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