Some of the constraints available in Searchland

We’ve saved you hours of work of sourcing and comparing strategic land maps by adding all of these together onto the Searchland platform.

Flood zone 2

Flood zone 3

Conservation area

Protected from flooding

Surface water flooding

Public rights of way

Green belt

National Landscapes (AONB)

Ancient woodland


SSSI impact zone

National Parks

Country parks


National nature reserve

Local nature reserve


Special area of conservation


Agricultural land

Nutrient neutrality

Listed buildings

Scheduled monuments

Registered parks & gardens

World heritage sites

Battle fields

London constraints



ULEZ  (Proposed)

ULEZ  (Current)

Areas of intensification

Low emission neighbourhood

Low emission zone

Opportunity areas

Town centre boundaries

Designated open spaces

National forests & land

Scottish wild land areas

Discover unconstrained land across the UK
Embark on a journey to discover unconstrained land through our unique platform -  proficiently intertwining planning constraints with land titles. Our visual layers enhance your experience, providing a clear, intuitive interface for you to explore.
Strategic insights at a glance
Dive into a treasure trove of information with our meticulously compiled strategic land maps. From flood zone mapping to conservation area identification and agricultural land constraints, we've aggregated a wealth of data saving you countless hours in sourcing and comparing.

Reliable data sources

Ordinance Survey logo
Environment Agency logo
Royal mail logo
London Datastore logo
National Grid logo
Historic England logo

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