
Revolutionising property development research with our AI tool

We've introduced AI (artificial intelligence) into Searchland, enabling you to find specific information about local council plan documents, adopted & emerging, within seconds.

July 20, 2023

Navigating the fast-paced and complex landscape of sourcing sites is with no doubt a time consuming task. Lengthy documents to review, complex policies to comprehend, and all varying from council to council? An overwhelming task, even for the most advanced developers.

Fortunately, we’re proud to announce our new Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool for local plans - the first of its kind in the off-market arena.

With our AI tool, you can find specific details in local council plan documents, both adopted and emerging, in seconds rather than hours. 

What does the tool offer?

Find specific local plan document details in seconds

Gone are the days of spending hours sifting through extensive documentation (some over 300 pages long!). You can now effortlessly filter through the documents, receiving precise and context-sensitive responses. 

This not only saves you valuable time but also significantly reduces the risk of overlooking critical information - a vital factor in the property development industry.

Key benefits:

  • Time-saving: Filter huge documents to find the exact answer you need
  • Contextual responses: Provides clear and relevant answers, helping you make well-informed decisions
  • Reduce the risk of missing information: Ensures you have access to all essential details
  • Cost-effective: Can replace the need to consult a local planning consultant

Why is it valuable?

It ensures your plans are aligned with local regulations 

Understanding the local plan document is critical before undertaking any property development project. It ensures that your plans align with local regulations, community needs, and environmental considerations. 

Traditionally, these documents can span anywhere from 100 to 500 pages, making it a time-consuming task even with the help of advanced search commands.

Our AI tool revolutionises this process: It delivers the information you need, precisely when you need it, with detailed contextual responses.

How does it work?

Ask any local plan related question, get a contextual answer

You can ask the AI tool any question related to the local plan document, whether you need information on housing, economic developments, transport or even infrastructure delivery. 

If you’re unsure where to start, you can use our pre-selected questions, such as the affordable housing policy, parking standards, or the council's approach to sustainable development.

This is just the beginning of our AI journey, it is 2023 after all... We're planning on adding more AI features to the platform in the coming month, to ensure your off-market site sourcing process is a speedy one.

Ready to use our AI tool?

Book a demo with our team to see the tool for yourself and understand how it can save you hours of work.

The integration of AI into Searchland - a bold step into the future of efficient and informed property development!

July 9, 2024

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