
New geological layers: Soilscapes, soil depth and peat coverage

Discover the ground beneath with Searchland's latest layers - offering a deeper dive into the geology of land across England and Wales. Explore soil types, soil depths and peat distribution quickly and efficiently as you explore sites in Searchland.

October 31, 2023

Elevating land analysis: New subsurface layers 

The process of land-sourcing is ever-evolving, and keeping pace means often means ensuring more useful data is at our user’s fingertips. So we're pushing the boundaries with the rollout of some new geological layers to help unearth deeper insight into the diverse soilscapes found across England and Wales.

Introducing Soilscapes: A technicolour guide to soil secrets

Unlock the mysteries beneath your feet with Soilscapes, the latest addition to Searchland's toolkit. This feature doesn't just add a splash of colour to your analysis - it provides a window into the soil types sprawling across England and Wales. It's useful for those assessing sites quickly - potentially saving you from purchasing a plot of land which is actually a bog, or indicating soil drainage capabilities, providing a crucial indicator of flood risk. 

The layer includes 27 soil type variables - and has been created to be simple and understandable - helping users instantly characterise a site before fieldwork or assess large suites of land quickly.

Soilscapes as shown in Searchland

Soil layer depth (UK): Gauging the ground below

Our control centre now includes a Soil Layer Depth feature, courtesy of the British Geological Survey. This layer doesn't just scratch the surface; it provides an approximation of soil depth and type - vital information for understanding what lies beneath. With regions like West Lothian enforcing Soil Sustainability Plans for larger sites, this layer is key to anticipating the need for specific treatments to maintain land stability and mitigate flood risks.

Different types and depths of soils require different treatments, and some methods are more expensive than others. So it's useful for those assessing sites to know roughly what they may be working with.

Soil depth as shown in Serachland

Peat Coverage (UK): Building on solid foundations

Another significant addition is the Peat Coverage layer, also from the British Geological Survey. This layer illuminates areas with peat soil coverage, which is essential for builders and developers. 

Peat coverage as shown in Searchland

Peat's organic composition poses challenges due to its softness and low shear strength, which can lead to settlement issues or even structural failure if not properly managed. Understanding where peat lies is not only crucial for planning construction projects but also for navigating the regulations surrounding peatland development.

With Searchand's newest features, your land assessments will be grounded in precision and expertise. Dive into our latest offerings and ensure your projects are built on solid, well-understood ground.

*Some layers are only available to users with a Professional license. To learn more or upgrade your account get in touch!

October 18, 2024

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