Free data

Biodiversity Net Gain data

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Free Data: Planning applications, proposals & BNG documents:

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We’ve compiled a list of all planning applications for residential projects of 1+ dwellings since February 2024 that have BNG reports attached them.

This includes proposal overviews, direct access to any attached BNG documents, application numbers, LA details, and more. If you are a Searchland user you can also click directly to see the title in platform.

Why is the data important?

Biodiversity Net Gain is a mandatory policy for most developers, but its still rather misunderstood. Our BNG planning data provides access to over 600+ applications that mention BNG or Biodviersity Net Gain - providing you with some insight into the way other developers and planning consultants are tackling BNG requirements. While not exhaustive, it is deisgned ot be thought-provoking.

We'll also aim to update the data quarterly.

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