
Mastering Class Q: agricultural to residential conversions in 2023

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Mastering Class Q: agricultural to residential conversions in 2023

Our expert panel discussed how to convert agricultural units to residential dwellings, to help maximise profit.

Please note this webinar was recorded prior to the changes in Class Q policy that came into force on 21st May 2024. For an updated overview, download our new Class Q checklist.

What does the webinar cover?

We covered every step of mastering Class Q conversions, from sourcing, planning and execution, including:

  • Circumventing the planning process
  • How to avoid common permitted development mistakes
  • A 'get started today' checklist
  • A success story: Approval in grade II registered park and garden
  • Live Class Q unit conversion assessments
  • Q&A: answered your questions live

Our expert speakers

Ready to covert agricultural units?

You can find our simple Class Q Checklist here.

Searchland helps you locate the perfect sites for conversion, from sourcing, assessing, to contacting the land owner. Book a one-to-one demo here to find out more.

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One of our experts can walk you through the platform in a live session, one-to-one.

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