HMO data API

Access HMO data for properties in England and Wales in one place

No more tedious searches through various council websites for HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) data. Our API consolidates and refines HMO Registers from all local authorities in England and Wales into a single, reliable source. Get accurate, up-to-date information on HMO properties nationwide, all in one place. Our dataset is designed for easy access and precise data retrieval, making your search efficient and hassle-free.

Our HMO tool is also available as part of a professional Searchland licence.

Typical UK terraced street

Our HMO data API integrates seamlessly with bespoke platforms & GIS solutions

Before our API, gathering Housing Multiple Occupancy (HMO) data was a cumbersome process, involving the search through various council websites and sifting through inconsistent formats like PDFs and Excel files.

Now we can provide everything you need in a simple and searchable way. Our endpoints include HMO license holder name & address, licence start & end date, HMO address, number of bedrooms and the geocoded point. View our API documents.

Key API features

HMO properties shown on map in Searchland
License holder info
Get the names and addresses of HMO license holders.
License duration
Quickly find the licence start and end dates of every HMO.
Property details
Access the addresses of HMOs as well as the number of bedrooms and occupants.
Geocoded locations
See the  precise location data for each HMO

Find your perfect API

Efficient in data retrieval
No more manual searches through multiple council websites and sorting through various file formats.
Up-to-date information
Our API provides reliable and current data, ensuring you have the most accurate information at your fingertips.
Improve strategic advantage
Utilise precise location data and property details for better planning and strategic development in your projects.

Example of aa HMO license as shown in Searchland

Used by property industry veterans

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Ready to access our data?

Our property data API is available as an off-the-shelf solution, or as a package tailored to your specific needs. Get in touch with us to start a conversation.