With 50 years in the industry under their belt, Oxford Land Consultants (OLC) know their stuff. Spanning planning, architectural design and development, they work across multiple construction sectors. With this comes land data needs from every angle, from planning approval timelines, to historic build cost overviews. That’s where we come in.
Our tool set has expanded since OLC first joined Searchland, at platform launch in 2019. With more in the pipeline yet. Now, Joost Barnas who leads Land, Planning and Development at OLC, says our tech has been integral to the growth of their client’s portfolios.
“I was seeking a more user-friendly and affordable option [to source off-market sales]. Searchland ticked every single box,” he explains.
“We plan to take on 200% more sites this year compared to last year.”
Today, we’re a staple in his day-to-day workflow. On a recent project, across multiple sites, each ranging from two to 15 units, Barnas says the swiftness and scope of Searchland’s key features stood out. Especially the ability to send letters directly to landowners, right from the platform.
“We achieved signed option agreements with various landowners on this project,” he explains. “On average, one in 20 landowners respond to our letters.”
With increased ease-of-use and the payoff to bolster growth, Barnas adds: “We plan to take on 200% more sites this year compared to last year.”
“These tools very quickly provide an overview on the viability of an opportunity.”
Pulling data across land finding, screening, and acquisition into one funnel, Searchland streamlined the fussy data gathering process for OLC. Our automated, data-driven platform = convenience x buying you time.
“I use the boundary lines, planning constraints, sold prices, planning history tabs most,” says Barnas, on his go-to features. “These tools very quickly provide an overview on the viability of an opportunity. This allowed us to treble our productivity.”
We’re nerds about the possibilities around gathering, analysing and presenting land and property data. So, we asked Barnas what he’d like to see next from us.
“The platform offers everything we need, there’s nothing we miss,” he explained (we’re blushing). “But Searchland keeps innovating their platform anyway, adding more functionality. So, keep it coming.
“This allowed us to treble our productivity, we’re confident this will only increase”.
|That’s a 10/10 vouch for us.
Want to join Oxford Land Consultants on the Searchland platform? Get in touch with our team.