Our new integration brings the power of Rightmove directly into Searchland
We're enriching our off-market land data with live residential sales and rental listings from Rightmove, helping you to evaluate opportunities quickly and understand the viability of projects at a glance. View sales comparables, historic pricing data and market status instantly.
Leave behind the hassle of switching between multiple apps to gather  information
Say hello to a seamless experience with deep, accurate property data available at your fingertips when you need it the most. Unlock the insights necessary for well-informed decisions and reclaim valuable time assessing projects.
Rightmove rental listings as seen in Searchland

See rental price information

Explore Rightmove's residential rental listings directly in Searchland.
View rental prices, estimated yields, rental history and local comparables.
Rightmove listings in Searchland

Search live sales listings

See Rightmove's residential sales listing as they are added. View properties for sale, sold house prices, price history, reductions and sales status.
Rightmove sales comparable data in Searchland

Compare live & historic prices to see trends

View current sales listings and historic sales data spanning 25 years.
Identify emerging opportunities and unlock the secrets behind pricing trends.
Rightmove sales comparables filters in Searchland

Discover deeper insights

Access more information about properties including the number of  bedrooms, bathrooms habitable rooms, floor area, property type and tenure.

Reliable data sources

Valuation office logo
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government logo
HM Land Registry logo
Companies House logo
Ordinance Survey logo
Environment Agency logo
Royal mail logo
London Datastore logo
National Grid logo
Historic England logo

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