Sales comparable data in Searchland

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We are able to find the best match for any property based on size, property type and the most recent price per square foot data.
Sales forecast analysis in Searchland

Build an accurate sales forecast

Using over 20 years of sold price data, can analyse an area's performance and help forecast future valuations.

For immediate insights, our House Price Index tool offers an estimation of the current market value of properties that have been sold.
House price valuations in Searchland

One-click valuations

Get an estimate of every property in the UK. View the historic price growth of that specific property over the last 5 years.
Heatmap price per postcode visual from Searchland

Price paid data by postcode

Our heat map data will adjust dynamically to show average price paid data by sqft over a five year period anywhere in the UK.

Reliable data sources

Ordinance Survey logo
Environment Agency logo
Royal mail logo
London Datastore logo
National Grid logo
Historic England logo

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